Problem Solving Ebook
Discover The Fortune
That Lies Hidden Within You
This unique problem solving ebook was produced with you in mind. It gives you knowledge and insights that will help you with your decision making skills. Reach down within yourself and pull out the heaven within.

How To Solve Problems In Your
Personal And Business Life
A Decision Making Guide For Entrepreneurs And Personal Achievers

Author, Terris Muhammad, spent over 25+ years, considerable time and expense, and many hard knocks to obtain the information in the HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS... problem solving ebook. Once you complete this problem solving ebook you will appreciate your investment.
This easy to read problem solving ebook is especially formatted for electronic navigation. That's important because the way people read online is different than with physical books.
He says, "You don't have to re-invent the wheel and go through the same learning curve I did to figure out some fundamental things that work. I'm sharing my research, experiences and hard earned knowledge with you. Results vary of course because no two people solve all problems the same way and get the same results."
Problem solving is as unique to each individual as their fingerprint. However, there are some common factors to successful problem solving.
The best testimonial that the information in this problem solving ebook works, is the author's own. "I'm human like everyone else. I didn't have a wise counselor to guide me all along the many twisting roads of life's journeys. In my travels I made many wrong turns. When I discovered some fruitful paths and applied them faithfully I have had great success with them."
You can be the next testimonial of proven problem solving methods. They are based on universal principles that apply to everyone, and are also flexible to fit your unique circumstances. You are unique, but also common at the same time. Taking the universal and adapting it to your unique, individual circumstances in business or self improvement is a big part of successful problem solving.
Entrepreneurs need problem solving methods that work and get good results. The better problem solver you are the better entrepreneur you will be.
Home based business owners and work at home moms will appreciate the information in this ecourse. From the comfort of your own home you can learn valuable problem solving skills.
High school and college students looking for information to chart a constructive course through the rough seas of the global economy and the information age will find this ecourse instructive and empowering.
After applying the information in this problem solving ebook you will be better equipped to work constructively through the problems they are certain to face. Mountains of debt and living with parents for untold years don't have to be a reality.
The following is the Table of Contents of HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS...
Chapter 1 - You Are The One - Know Thyself
Chapter 2 - The Power of Prayer
Chapter 3 - The Dominant Drives
Chapter 4 - Change Management In Problem Solving
Chapter 5 - Leadership In Problem Solving
Chapter 6 - Time Management In Problem Solving
Chapter 7 - Making The Decision
Chapter 8 - Problem Solving Techniques
Chapter 9 - Primary Problem Solving Areas
Chapter 10 - Conclusion
Pick any chapter and dive right in. Every chapter can be used as a stand alone guide on the respective subject. It's best to start at the beginning and go straight through.
Some of the many benefits you'll get in HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS... are:
- Pick better goals to get better results. "Don't lean your ladder of success on the wrong wall."
- Get tremendous, consistent results with proven decision making methods.
- People are creatures of knowledge. We have to learn to do many fundamental things essential to our growth and well being. Increase your knowledge inventory with this problem solving ecourse.
- Time management isn't time management. It's task management.
- Ask better questions to get better answers.
- Discover how to use your sub-conscious mind to deliver the results you want.
- Benefit from empowering health tips.
- Discover the way you learned as a child, but never recognized it to learn anything successfully you wanted to learn.
- Change is a given. All change isn't the same. Learn how to identify and manage the different types of change.
- Discover the self knowledge that you suspect is there within you, but you just can't pull it out.
- Be in control with problem solving techniques for your personal and business life.
- Discover new ways of building and maintaining relationships that you won't find in other books.
- Get and stay motivated with systems that you can depend upon.
- If you are in sales or marketing you will find material you can use to get your sales and marketing going.
- One of the biggest reasons 80% of people that pursue a career in sales fail in the first six (6) months is because they don't commit to a program of self development. If you are in sales you won't make it without self development. This problem solving ecourse is a helpful tool in any salesperson's self development toolkit.
When you sign up for the Consultants Highlights Newsletter at the end of the ecourse you get automatic access to MAKE YOUR KNOWLEDGE SELL. In it are some of the bonus benefits:
- Ways to generate ideas and themes. Everyone has at least one information product in them.
- Fifty (50) hot information product ideas over the Internet.
- Unique ways to promote your information products.
- Ways to promote your ideas over the Internet.
- How to package information products for buyer appeal.
- How to copyright your written information products.
- Pricing strategies.
- Four (4) elements your information product website must have.
- How to do press releases.
- How to advertise your information products.
You'll get the following free bonus items when you purchase HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IN YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS LIFE ebook.
- Free e-mail consultation upon request (one) on problem solving. Just click the "Contact Us" button in the left menu bar on this page or the Home Page of this website, and use the e-mail page available.
- Free, 90 minute group teleconference consulting session (one) related to problem solving - minimum 10 participants required. You may choose topic. Just e-mail me as instructed above to request your session.
- Change management template to map change.
- Thirty (30) day money back guarantee if your investment in this guide wasn't worth it.
- General problem solving template that can be used in personal or business areas.
You won't make a mistake by adding this problem solving ebook to your library.
This is a downloadable e-book. Just follow the easy instructions, and you will receive the problem solving ecourse right on your computer screen. You can print it out or read it right on your screen.
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